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Water filtration is a far reaching subject covering the removal of particles or dissolved solids from a variety of water systems, and can range from reverse osmosis to carbon filtration and iron removal. We  can advise on any filtration requirements and supply filtration to meet most needs.

The most common applications:

  • Sidestream filtration in closed systems and
  • Removal of debris found in the mains water supply.

What types of water treatment equipment can be used to filter system water?


Filtration for Closed Systems

Particulate matter within closed systems can cause serious problems with heat transfer and damage to plant such as boilers, chillers and small bore control valves.

These systems are ordinarily flushed and dosed with corrosion inhibitors at construction stage but, despite this, ongoing poor water quality in closed systems is one of the biggest water treatment issues experienced.

There are a number of reasons for this such as a lack of monitoring/chemical top up, remedial works to the systems introducing contaminants and the original flushing works not being carried out correctly or in full.

BSRIA BG29/21 – a guidance document for the design, installation and treatment of closed systems – recommends the use of sidestream filtration on any system with a volume of more than 2500 litres. Typically, 5% of the re-circulating flow should pass through the filter or the entire system volume treated at least once a day.

The Goodwater range of GLF filters provide a market leading, compact and easy to maintain method of providing this filtration that also includes the facility to add chemical manually to the system, removing the need for a separate dosing pot.


The main features and benefits of the GLF range are as follows:

  • Compact design
  • Low maintenance
  • Range of micron sizes available
  • Built in magnets enhance fioltration process
Goodwater Cygnus GLF Magnetic Bag Filter System v7 Jan 2019

Filtration for Domestic Water Systems

Within hot and cold water systems, the introduction of silt, sediment and general debris from the mains water supply will contribute to biofilm and bacteriological growth.

As a result, HSG274 Part 2 recommends that cold water tanks and water heaters be inspected and cleaned annually.

Reducing the level of these contaminants by installing a Goodwater Cygnus RRF backwashable filter on the incoming main significantly improves the water quality within the water services as well as increasing the efficiency of any UV disinfection units installed.

The RRF range is as close to “fit and forget” as a product can be, using both a differential pressure switch or timer (whichever is activated first) to initiate a backwash of the stainless steel filter mesh.


The main features and benefits of the RRF range are as follows:

  • Minimises tank and water heater contamination
  • Improved efficiency and reduced maintenance
  • Range of micron sizes available
  • Fully automated backwash process and double spin technology
  • WRAS Approved

Legislation and Guidance

For more information refer to the following documents:

  • BSRIA BG  29/2021
  • HSG274 (Part 2)

Contact us today to chat through your requirements

Our team can provide solutions including any or all of the above services and products to solve your problems and make a difference to your business whilst making sure you are fully compliant in all regards.