Health and Safety Statement of Intent
The Health and Safety Statement of Intent has been prepared to assist in meeting our legal obligations as defined in the Health and Safety General Policy. Detailed below is our manner of ensuring an efficient and effective approach to health and safety.
It is our firm intention to enforce measures as appropriate to continually control and monitor health and safety procedures as an integral part of our successful and efficient operation.
As far as is reasonably practical we shall:
- Ensure that working practices and equipment are safe and are no hazard or risk to health and safety.
- Ensure that all necessary precautionary measures are taken in respect of the safe use, handling, storage and transport of substances and materials.
- Provide the information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all our employees.
- Ensure those places of work, equipment and transport under our control are maintained in a safe condition and without risk to health and safety.
- Provide facilities as appropriate for the welfare of employees.
- Provide adequate safeguards in relation to health and safety of our visitors, contractors and others who could be affected by our activities.
- Provide all necessary information in relation to health and safety, regarding services and procedures and, when necessary, consult with our employees.
- Conduct reviews and update the policy as necessary in the light of changes in our operations or legislative requirements and bring any changes to the attention of all employees.
- Ensure that all employees are aware of their health and safety responsibilities and seek their full co operation and assistance in our efforts to fulfil the policy.
- Effectively monitor the policy throughout the workplace.