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Sustainability Policy

Goodwater’s Code of Ethics and Corporate Conduct Policy details our approach to operating with sound business ethics and our Environmental Policy details our approach to operating with sound environmental practices.

To further progress our environmental objectives we are constantly reviewing our actions which impact on the environment whilst setting realistic, achievable, measurable targets to reduce the environmental impact.

Goodwater is actively pursuing a policy of responsible sourcing which will integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks into the process of selecting suppliers.

We acknowledge that responsible sourcing is a fast-growing discipline within procurement and supply chain departments, and will allow us to establish continuity within the marketplace with regard to the products we deliver.

Our goal for responsible sourcing is to build strong, long-term business relationships across supply chains and throughout all our sales channels.

Working toward this responsible sourcing target will become part of Goodwater’s business structure and strategic model.

To further improve our impact on the areas in which we work, we are committed to developing our Sustainability Policy.

Our vision is to develop and grow the business whilst protecting the environment, working with our customers and suppliers to maximise their wellbeing and preserving the environment, improving the prospects and well-being of our employees. We will deliver these objectives by continually focusing on four key areas.

Environmental Impact

We are looking to establish targets to reduce our energy, water, fuel usage and waste, as well as setting targets to increase the volume of recyclable materials. This will be carried out by:

  • Improving energy efficiency in our administration and warehouse premises
  • Investigating the use of renewable energy
  • Increasing the efficiency of our transport fleet and developing our travel policies
  • Reducing waste and packaging in our production and servicing activities
  • Increasing the volume of re-usable materials.

Supply Chain and Market Place

We are working with our suppliers to help them formulate and develop their own sustainability policies. This includes the use of more sustainable raw materials and increased proportions of recyclable material. We are looking to increase our electronic trading, reducing the need for paper reports and invoices, and electronic status logging to reduce the number of site visits required. All our technical staff are provided with tablets, email addresses and smartphones to allow them to work from their home or site, reducing the need to visit our offices.

We are working with our customers to choose more efficient water treatment products and services, adding value by putting forward more cost-effective solutions.

Community Investment and Social Impact

Wherever practical, we look to employ staff living within a 30-mile radius of the areas in which they carry out 80% of their normal working day.

We agree an annual ring-fenced financial sum at Board level to allow us to make awards to local community appeals and charitable events.

Employment Practices

We talk and listen to our staff at regular team meetings. We ensure we are up to date with latest employment legislation and practices. Our programme of annual appraisals and contract reviews help us to move towards a position that all our staff receive a fair wage reflecting the environment in which they work. Our staff enjoy contractual terms which represent reasonable minimum standards, and which provide for family-friendly, flexible and diverse working environments. We organise a Christmas function for staff and partners, and regular team building events.

We seek to promote the benefits of adopting fair employment practices through the supply chain to our partner organisations, suppliers and the market.